Wednesday, October 29, 2008


This is a biggie... coming up soon!

registration is 22 bucks unless you volunteer for 4 hours and then you get in for free

The deadline for submitting to the student show has been pushed back to Oct 31st -it's free.

There's a good number of us going, including Professor Rebecca - this is the best real world event that we can connect you with... TAKE ADVANTAGE IF POSSIBLE. Networking is probably the best thing for Photographers, so mingling with the best is a good place to start.

For pitching in and possibly sleeping on the floor of the Grand Hyatt in Union Square, email the club with the email title being: "Sleeping with Chris is the Best"

For Possible carpooling: email the club with the email title: "Spencer's got hot wheels"

*** if you're responding to either of these two, INCLUDE DETAILS. how many days, what days, weather you have a problem with sleeping on the ground or having your feet on the hump.

Meeting Review:

Hola Personas.... this is what we covered:

Melanie Pullen is a huge name that is going to be giving us a personalized tour of her show at the Ace Gallery on Nov.7th @3pm. Amazing opportunity to pry into her brain. We have a carpool list, contact Becca at and title it with "Becca's rockin Carpool" Warning only members may join, so if you have not paid dues, you can give them to Becca on that day.

The student sale: Set up on the 5th, Dec 6th, pre sale with art donors (eliete benefactors who help support our community by buying up and coming art work and donating galliers), Dec 7-11 is the sale for the rest of us.
Fine Print... The ceramics club takes 15% for doing all the work, and getting everyone there. Your work must be legit - no $1 trashed assignments - people have made thousands of dollars selling their work at this thing. That doesn't mean you have to have framed stuff selling for 100 bucks, it just means it has to be presentable. If you have work in the show, you must spend some time sitting the gallery. You must be a member of the photo club to be in it.

The winter trip destination has been decided: Vegas. Awesome.

For SPE info: see next post.

We also handed out a couple of job opps and info during this meeting

Monday, October 27, 2008

**Meeting!! Tuesday Oct 28

Tues 10/28/08
Room 308 FA-4
6:30pm and 7pm

we will go over :
spe (coming up soon!)
ace gallery (if you haven't heard, we are going to get a specialized gallery walk-through with the artist herself!)
student sale (make bucks from your work)
gallery for next semester. (trip?!)

Sports Photographer Speaker at MOCA

Museum of Comtemporary Art
700 Prospect Street
La Jolla, CA 92037
Wednesday, November 5, 2008 - 7:00PM
$10 admission fee

Robert Beck
Sports Illustrated, photographer

Contact Nelson Photo 1909 India Street, San Diego
619-234-6621 or 7720 Fay Avenue, La Jolla
858-729-6565 and George’s Camera Exchange 3837
30th Street, San Diego 619-297-3549 for tickets.
Retain validated ticket for a $25 credit towards the
purchase of any Nikon product valued at over $100.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Henry Jenkins at the UAM

The conference for the weekend of Oct 4th at the UAM has Henry Jenkins speaking, who will be good to hear.

To see a schedule for the conference:

The UAM still has subsidized tickets for CSULB students at the price of $45 for both days of attendance. There is no deadline for purchase, but they have a certain number, and they are gone when they are gone (then the student price is $95). Students wishing to purchase these must contact Ilee Kaplan (i-lee) at the University Art Museum, and arrange to buy the tickets from her. Her email is:

The UAM general number is: 562 985 5761 (ask for ilee Kaplan)

Friday, September 26, 2008

Portfolio Review, Review

Just to recap some of the information given last night during the review:

FYI: There are no extra classes that are opened up/needed after you get into the BFA. (except the sr. show)

You can always fill out an application that says you are interested in submitting for the portfolio, but you can ONLY SUBMIT TWICE. if you think you might, then put in an application. but only submit a portfolio if you have a chance. Here are 4 aspects that will help you determine that...

The 4 main factors to consider when applying:

Technical/condition - The profs want to know that you can produce images correctly (no dust all over the place, no blocked out edges, ect), and to transport them without destroying them. Small technical errors can be overlooked, but only on a strong portfolio. Portfolio holders can be simple or complex, depending on the theme of the portfolio itself. A Portfolio box is a great, simple way of doing it. some people choose a container that went with the theme (i.e. an office briefcase to hold images about office spaces). consider providing cotton gloves in the portfolio if you don't want their fingerprints on your prints.

Concept - Fine art concept is about saying something. It doesn't have to be a grand statement, but they need to know that you can put your concept into a tangible form. Think of your art as a language - most single pieces or assignments are the building blocks/words of your ideas. The Profs want to see that you can put all your words together (a body of work) to form a legitimate sentence, to express that particular idea.

Person - Allow the professors to know you. Show them your work and ask of them their opinion. If they see that you are working, and trying to improve, they'll add that to their decision. If they have never heard of you, and your work doesn't come out crystal clear in their eyes, it will hurt you a lot.
WARNING: each professor will tell you something different. just like anything else in life, consider your options, weigh them with your own opinions and act accordingly. You do NOT have to do what they tell you, but they are an amazing source for ideas that, if they don't provide feedback that you agree with, can at least spur your own ideas or mutations on your work.

Artist Statement - Most people don't realize how important this part is to a portfolio and a show. It's you, explaining your work or yourself (not necessarily litteraly) when you can't be there. This is also known as one of the hardest parts of art, and I am not the one to explain it to you. Ask the professors for help and that way they can point you the right direction while getting to know you.

best of luck

Todd Gray and his fiance, Kyungmi

are in an art show. should be a great show too. check it out: